Dokkatoo Showcase
List of projects using Dokkatoo to build documentation
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Extra KTX modules for AndroidX.
sourceComposite Build ExampleThis example demonstrates how Dokkatoo can create an aggregated publication a Composite Build project.
sourceCustom Format ExampleThis example demonstrates how to override `.css` styles and add custom images as assets, allowing you to change the logo used in the header.
sourceGradle central-release-publishingAn opinionated Gradle plugin to manage publishing to Maven Central.
sourceGradle ExampleThis example demonstrates how to apply Dokka in a simple single-project Gradle build, as well as how to configure it.
A Kotlin Multiplatform library for parsing and generating Guild Wars 2 chat links.
sourceGW2ToolBelt api-generatorA library for creating programs that interface with data exposed by the official Guild Wars 2 API.
Use an automatically configured mqtt 3 or 5 client in your Spring Boot project.
sourceJava ExampleThis example demonstrates how Dokkatoo can generate documentation for a pure-Java project.
sourceKolibriumKotlin library for Selenium tests.
Kotka Streams - the Kotlin DSL for Kafka Streams.
sourceKotlin Multiplatform ExampleThis example demonstrates Dokka's configuration and output for a simple Kotlin Multiplatform project.
sourceKotlin-as-Java ExampleThis example demonstrates how you can apply a Dokka plugin in a simple Gradle project.
Expose resources transitively to downstream projects.
Fast dependency graph validation for Gradle.
sourceMultimodule ExampleThis example demonstrates Dokka's configuration and output for a simple Kotlin Multiplatform project.
A suite of tools to automate software compliance checks.
SnakeYAML Engine KMP is a YAML 1.2 processor for Kotlin Multiplatform.
Spring Boot makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring based Applications that you can "just run"..
sourceVersioning ExampleThis example demonstrates configuration of Dokka's Versioning plugin, which allows readers to navigate through different versions of your API reference documentation.