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Introduction to Dokkatoo

Welcome to the documentation website for Dokkatoo,

Dokkatoo is a Gradle plugin that generates easy-to-use reference documentation for your Kotlin (or Java!) projects.

What can Dokkatoo do?

  • Automatic documentation - Automatically generates up-to-date docs from your code, for both Kotlin and Java projects.
  • Format Flexibility - Supports generating HTML, Javadoc, and Markdown output formats.
  • Customization King - Make your documentation truly yours. With Dokkatoo, you can customize the output, including custom stylesheets and assets.
  • Gradle's Best Friend - Compatible with all of Gradle's most powerful features! Incremental compilation, multimodule builds, composite builds, Build Cache, Configuration Cache.

Dokkatoo uses Dokka, the API documentation engine for Kotlin, to generate API reference documentation from source code.

Why Dokkatoo?

If Dokka already has a Gradle plugin, then what is Dokkatoo for?

Dokkatoo has a number of improvements over the existing Dokka Gradle Plugin:

  • Easier to configure, with an easy-to-use build script DSL.
  • Faster, parallel execution, with smart incremental compilation.
  • Compatible with Gradle Build Cache.
  • Compatible with Gradle Configuration Cache.
  • Follows Gradle best practices for plugin development, for a more stable experience.


Dokkatoo is used in production by many projects (see the Showcase!), generating documentation for single-module and multimodule projects, in multiple different formats.

Dokkatoo has been merged into the Dokka codebase, although as of December 2023 it has not been released. Until JetBrains releases a new Dokka Gradle Plugin, please continue to use Dokkatoo, and watch this space...