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Migrating from Dokka to Dokkatoo

If you have a project that already uses Dokka, then why migrate to Dokkatoo?

Here are some reasons, all of which sparked the reason to create Dokkatoo.

  • Dokkatoo follows Gradle best practices.
  • Dokkatoo is more performant, being compatible with Incremental Build, Build Cache, and Configuration Cache.
  • Dokkatoo's configuration is easier, using a descriptive top level DSL (no more manual task configuration).
  • Aggregating projects is simpler, as it relies on Gradle's dependency management.

Applying both Dokka and Dokkatoo

The first step migrating from the official Dokka Gradle Plugin to Dokkatoo is easy: apply both plugins.

Just make sure to update the Dokkatoo output directory!

plugins {
id("org.jetbrains.dokka") version "$dokkaVersion"
id("dev.adamko.dokkatoo") version "$dokkatooVersion"

dokkatoo {
// update the output directory, so it doesn't clash with the Dokka plugin!

You can then do a comparative example on the output in both directories.

Migrating Configuration

The next step can be more complicated: converting the Dokka configuration to Dokkatoo.

For examples of how to do this, see examples in the Showcase. Each Dokkatoo example projects has an equivalent Dokka project in the same directory.