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Edge cases

Demonstrations of how edge cases are handled.

Recursive references

A references B which references A which references B... should be handled properly


class A(val b: B)

class B(val a: A)

fun main() {
val tsGenerator = KxsTsGenerator()
println(tsGenerator.generate(A.serializer(), B.serializer()))

You can get the full code here.

export interface A {
b: B;

export interface B {
a: A;


class A(
val list: List<B>

class B(
val list: List<A>

fun main() {
val tsGenerator = KxsTsGenerator()
println(tsGenerator.generate(A.serializer(), B.serializer()))

You can get the full code here.

export interface A {
list: B[];

export interface B {
list: A[];


class A(
val map: Map<String, B>

class B(
val map: Map<String, A>

fun main() {
val tsGenerator = KxsTsGenerator()
println(tsGenerator.generate(A.serializer(), B.serializer()))

You can get the full code here.

export interface A {
map: { [key: string]: B };

export interface B {
map: { [key: string]: A };