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Primitive lists

A collection will get converted to array.

data class MyLists(
val strings: List<String>,
val ints: Set<Int>,
val longs: Collection<Long>,

fun main() {
val tsGenerator = KxsTsGenerator()

You can get the full code here.

export interface MyLists {
strings: string[];
ints: number[];
longs: number[];

Lists of objects

data class Colour(
val rgb: String

data class MyLists(
val colours: List<Colour>,
val colourGroups: Set<List<Colour>>,
val colourGroupGroups: LinkedHashSet<List<List<Colour>>>,

fun main() {
val tsGenerator = KxsTsGenerator()

You can get the full code here.

export interface MyLists {
colours: Colour[];
colourGroups: Colour[][];
colourGroupGroups: Colour[][][];

export interface Colour {
rgb: string;

Lists of collections

data class Colour(
val rgb: String

data class MyLists(
val listOfMaps: List<Map<String, Int>>,
val listOfColourMaps: List<Map<String, Colour>>,

fun main() {
val tsGenerator = KxsTsGenerator()

You can get the full code here.

export interface MyLists {
listOfMaps: { [key: string]: number }[];
listOfColourMaps: { [key: string]: Colour }[];

export interface Colour {
rgb: string;